Great tablets
Easy and fast way to clean your water bottles
Quality |
Rated 5 out of 5
Design |
Rated 4 out of 5
Rimuovi efficacemente macchie e odori ostinati dalla tua bottiglia d'acqua preferita, senza bisogno di strofinare. In soli 20 minuti, la tua bottiglia sarà di nuovo perfettamente pulito.
Realizzato in collaborazione con il marchio australiano di sapone sostenibile, Single Use Aint Sexy. La loro speciale formulazione è studiata per contrastare macchie e odori tenaci, con il minimo impatto ecologico.
Compatibile sia con la gamma di bottiglie memo in acciaio inossidabile che con la gamma di bottiglie memo originali, nonché con la maggior parte delle bottiglie d'acqua.
Uso suggerito: 1 o più mensilmente.
1. Fill bottle with warm water.
2. Drop in cleaning tablet/s and leave the lid off to avoid damage.
3. Leave for 20 minutes or until tablet is fully dissolved.
4. Empty and thoroughly rinse your bottle with water.
1 tablet per 250 ml / 9 oz
Original memobottle
A5 memobottle: 3 tablets
A6 memobottle: 2 tablets
A7 memobottle: 1 tablet
Slim memobottle: 2 Tablets
Stainless Steel memobottle
A5 memobottle: 4 tablets
A6 memobottle: 2 tablets
A7 memobottle: 1 tablet
Slim memobottle: 3 Tablets
Read Safety Directions & Ingredients Before Opening Or Using: DO NOT SWALLOW. DO NOT DRINK. DO NOT MIX WITH OTHER CHEMICALS
Active Ingredient:
Sodium Percarbonate 30%w/w
% by weight
Sodium Percarbonate 10-35%, Sodium Carbonate 10-30%, Tartaric Acid 10-30%, Carboxymethyl Cellulose Sodium 1-5%,Tetraacetylethylenediamine 2-10%, Sodium Chloride 5-15%, PEG6000 1-5%
For advice, contact your local or national Poisons Hotline (e.g. phone Australia 13 11 26; New Zealand 0800 764 766) or a doctor (at once).
If swallowed, DO NOT induce vomiting. If skin or hair contact occurs, remove contaminated clothing and flush skin and hair with running water.
For Safety Data Sheet
memobottle products are warranted to be free from defects in materials and workmanship for two years from original date of purchase when used under normal conditions and for the purpose intended.
Once your order is placed, you will receive a confirmation email letting you know that our fulfillment team has received your order.
Shipping fees are non-refundable in the case of returns.